Monica DiMarzio

Records Specialist at Becker College - Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Monica DiMarzio's Contact Details
(508) 791-9241
Becker College
Monica DiMarzio's Company Details
Becker College logo, Becker College contact details

Becker College

Worcester, Massachusetts, US • 500 - 999 Employees

Becker College is an undergraduate and graduate, career-focused private college. We offer a supportive and inclusive learning community that prepares graduates for their first to last careers. Becker’s undergraduate, graduate, and online and evening programs provide students with skills, knowledge, hand’s-on experience, and the ability and agility to adapt to an ever-changing global society.

Bachelor Programs Master's Degree Supportive Learning Community Internship Career Services Hands-On Experience Flexible Scheduling Affordable Tuition Rates
Details about Becker College
Frequently Asked Questions about Monica DiMarzio
Monica DiMarzio currently works for Becker College.
Monica DiMarzio's role at Becker College is Records Specialist.
Monica DiMarzio's email address is *** To view Monica DiMarzio's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Monica DiMarzio works in the College/University industry.
Monica DiMarzio's colleagues at Becker College are Kara Rudgis, Mary Maloney, Gretchen Gallagher, Lindsay Mitchell, Stephannie Bell-Chapin, Samantha Tondreau, Dawn Ward and others.
Monica DiMarzio's phone number is (508) 791-9241
See more information about Monica DiMarzio