Monica Morton

Information and Trip Planner (Bilingual English/Spanish) at Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT) - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Monica Morton's Contact Details
(954) 484-4973
California,United States
Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT)
Monica Morton's Company Details
Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT) logo, Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT) contact details

Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT)

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Cyber City Teleservices Group Companies provides its clients with dedicated, shared and hybrid call center outsourcing solutions that help drive world class customer relationships. Together our call center brands have earned a reputation of unparalleled service and results by focusing their efforts on people. Our call center teams are fully committed to delivering the desired outcomes for our valued clients. Cyber City Teleservices Group Companies partner with a variety of Fortune 500 and Middle Market clients in the Wireless, Financial Services, Automotive, DRTV, Catalog, Telecommunications, Automotive, Healthcare, Insurance, Retail, Transportation, Utility and Education as well as other industries. Cyber City Teleservices Group maintains two brands in the call center outsourcing and BPO world. The first, founded in 1999, Cyber City Teleservices Philippines and Cyber City Teleservices Panama offer a wide range of call center outsourcing solutions with call center sites in Pampanga and Davao, Philippines and Panama City, Panama. In 2010, Cyber City Teleservices Group merged with Interactive Response Technologies, Inc. Founded in 1993 as a software company for the Call Center Industry Interactive Response Technologies, Inc. has been operating contact centers since 1995 for a variety of Fortune 500 clients. Today, IRT operates 5 state-of-the-art contact centers in Florida, Texas and Oklahoma.

Contact Center Customer Relationship Management Bpo Outsourced Call Center Services Enterprise Communications Customer Experience Voice Over Ip Predictive Dialer Interactive Voice Response
Details about Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT)
Frequently Asked Questions about Monica Morton
Monica Morton currently works for Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT).
Monica Morton's role at Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT) is Information and Trip Planner (Bilingual English/Spanish).
Monica Morton's email address is *** To view Monica Morton's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Monica Morton works in the Outsourcing industry.
Monica Morton's colleagues at Interactive Response Technologies, (IRT) are Hanen Amor, Alejandro Ali, Kimberly Callaghan, Gloria Pena, Jhone Almeida, Francisco Insua, John Butt and others.
Monica Morton's phone number is (954) 484-4973
See more information about Monica Morton