Supervisor credit analyst & improvement at PT INDOSURYA INTI FINANCE - Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia
PT Sarana Majukan Ekonomi Finance Indonesia (SMEFI), a limited liability company in non-bank financial institution which operatesin the financing sector, was established on May 27,2011 based on the permit from the Ministry of Finance and BAPEPAM-LK with a Decree Number: KEP-425/KM.10/2011 and holds a Multifinance license from OJK No: Kep-278/NB.1/2013.SMEFI provides working capital and automotive financing which focus on small and medium enteprises (SME) financing facility as the company's commitment to support economic growth in Indonesia, especially in the small and medium enteprises sector.The company is also committed to keep innovating in improving the service quality, products quality, and maintaining integrity to various stakeholders so that the company becomes a leading trusted company.SMEFI is also supported by digitalization technology with a professional, experienced, and integrity human resources.For more information about our company, please visit: Company Values :- Innovative: Reflecting in always to generate new ideas and notions to face competitions.- Natural: Reflecting a unique, different, true identity without having to imitate others.- Spirit: Reflecting full of enthusiasm and energy in providing the best service to customers and working hard in meeting the expectations of the Company and Stakeholders.- Persistence: Reflecting persistence in facing every failure, always fightback and never give up.- Integrity: Reflecting quality, honesty, dignity, and always act in accordance with existing norms and standards.- Respect: Reflecting the respectful acknowledgment as individuals who can cooperate both internally and externally by encouraging positive behavior.- Excellence: Reflecting the advantages value as the main competitiveness to face competitors.