Mobipride Softwares Inc. Previously (InverseSoft Pvt. Ltd.) is fast growing Web Development company which is involved in mobile applications development, software development and web application engineering, By using various programming languages such as Javascript based frameworks, PHP and Java, we proved our excellence in number of International Projects, In addition to this we have long expertise in Server Maintenance, Cloud Hosting and Management and Managed Hosting Services, In past few years we got special expertise in E-Commerce Website development, Community portals, Joomla Development, WordPress Development, Java PHP bridging, Flex Development, Open Graph (Auth0) and Payment API integration and Development.We practice with our own closed source framework for native web application development which is truly MVC based and secure tested. We have excellence in web streaming server integration and Media Streaming over the web. Our OpenSource Music software script "InverseSoft Round Player" is Rated 3.73 out of 5 in community which can be searched in Google easily. We like your involvement and support to us so that we can continue our best contribution to Software Industry.