The We Stand Together charity has three main aims:1. To celebrate our differences2. To fight hatred and intolerance3. To build a safer and stronger countryWe are committed to promoting community cohesion but will not shy away from difficult issues. OUR WORK● Bi-monthly Difficult Dialogues bringing people together to discuss issues such as ‘faith, gender and sexuality', ‘Brexit's impact on cohesion', ‘Sensitivity to political correctness', ‘Disability under attack' and ‘Equality Conflicts: Class and Race'.● #YouthStandTogether initiative developing anti-discrimination resources, events and workshops with schools and youth groups. It will bring diverse young people together to challenge discrimination and stereotyping faced and come up with practical actions to take themselves.● We write a #WeStandTogether column every other week for the Manchester Evening News to educate on diversity and challenging hate. See● We run hate crime awareness events bringing together diverse groups to challenge hate and take action back in their communities.● We respond to community conflicts alongside partner organisations representing diverse communities across Greater Manchester.● We are liaising with the Greater Manchester Mayor's Office and GMCA in relation to actions from their Cohesion Report, ‘A Shared Future', that recognised the key role of our #WeStandTogether charity in raising awareness of social cohesion.● We are developing #WeStandTogether Month in May as an opportunity for local groups to run cohesion and challenging hate events. See for more information.GET INVOLVED. EMAIL US AT SUPPORT@WESTANDTOGETHER.ORG.UK TO ASK FOR HELP SETTING UP YOUR OWN #WESTANDTOGETHER EVENT OR GROUP.