Bliss Aesthetics is committed to providing evidence-based facial aesthetic treatments that deliver the most bang for your buck; these are the treatments that are supported by strong placebo-controlled studies that have proven the treatment's safety and efficacy. Injectable neurotoxins (such as Botox) and hyaluronic acid fillers are the heavy lifters of noninvasive facial aesthetics. FDA approved after stringent testing, they do their job when used in appropriate volumes. These treatments are the focus of our services here at Bliss. We do not offer spa-like services (such as some facials) that are certainly relaxing and may be beneficial to some but don't have safety and efficacy studies to back their use. We offer an honest opinion and zero pressure. Our standards for ourselves are set incredibly highly both ethically and in our work. We are not successful if you do not have a positive experience that leaves you looking and feeling great, even if that means we recommend no treatment or alternatives with a different health care provider. Please click below to schedule a free consultation to discuss whether our treatments are a match for your needs.