Chronosoft provides event organisers and contractors with an automated software solution for all mass gatherings. Our software, Chronicler, provides reliable and accurate real time updates during an event, and prioritises jobs to increase the efficiency of all agencies and contractors.Chronicler, is the only personalised software system of its type. Our industry leading software will eliminate your dependence on the traditional pen and paper or digital spreadsheet by offering a personalised software solution unique to your event or contracting team.With Chronicler, you can generate event reports at the touch of a button, producing an extensive summary on how efficiently your assets responded and their actions. All of your job logs, data, statistics and outcomes will be generated to ensure you are aware of all incidents and responses and allow you to continue to refine your productivity processes for future events.Combining leading-edge IT knowledge and decades of combined event management experience, to develop efficient and effective event management solutions.Every event. Every incident. Every time.