Morgan Gruber

Accounts Payable Clerk at Exact Corporation - Modesto, CA, US

Morgan Gruber's Contact Details
Exact Corporation
Morgan Gruber's Company Details
Exact Corporation logo, Exact Corporation contact details

Exact Corporation

Modesto, CA, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Construction Machinery

Exact Corp is a California-based manufacturer of harvesting machines focused on innovation, giving growers the tools they need to be profitable while also eliminating the dust issue at harvest time. We build orchard sweepers, harvesters, conditioners, and orchard cabs for the harvesting and production of almonds, walnuts, pecans, etc.We have developed a harvesting system that virtually eliminates dust from the harvesting process, thus preventing any negative perception of nut growers during harvest. The neighbors won't even know you're there!We believe that farmers are very proactive in their efforts to constantly improve the safety and performance of their operations. Exact is committed to innovative product development that provides today's farmer with state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly tools for a successful future.

Low dust harvesting equipment Orchard cabs Quality customer service Construction Machinery Machine Tool Accessories Machinery
Details about Exact Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Morgan Gruber
Morgan Gruber currently works for Exact Corporation.
Morgan Gruber's role at Exact Corporation is Accounts Payable Clerk.
Morgan Gruber's email address is *** To view Morgan Gruber's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Morgan Gruber works in the Machinery industry.
Morgan Gruber's colleagues at Exact Corporation are Vaughn Beachler, Travis Giles, Jackie Valencia, Nelson Tye, Randy Stockdale, Kee Atty, Michael G. and others.
Morgan Gruber's phone number is 209-544-8600
See more information about Morgan Gruber