Barrister At Law at Black Chambers - Council of the City Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
We are specialist advocates who practise in courts, tribunals and inquiries throughout Australia and overseas.We provide fearless, independent and discerning representation within our specialist practice areas. We are committed to the ideals of excellence, equity, diversity and inclusion and dedicated to using the tools of the law for the protection of human rights.Being black is not a matter of pigmentation – being black is a reflection of mental attitude. – STEVEN BIKOOur use of Biko's quote, one which is intended to show solidarity with all those who are or have felt disregarded by the dominant culture, is intended to reflect the values of diversity and tolerance that our members seek to espouse and embrace in their approach to legal practice. This applies not just to race or colour, but to wider issues surrounding sexual identity and preference, disabilities and of course gender.Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation