Zoar Technology is proud to be a small, boutique agency that focuses on offering mobile development solutions for small businesses and startups.The Zoar team have been working together for years, and have been developing apps since... well, since that was a thing people were doing. Basically, Zoar Technology has walked the startup path, and knows what goes into building a company from the ground up. They are familiar with how small businesses are often working under very tight deadlines and may not be entirely sure what they need in order to meet them. Zoar Technology isn't just made up of developers; they have the architecture necessary to help their clients figure out what they need, when they need it, and how to make it happen. Small businesses don't need a completed design when they come to Zoar Technology. The company's developers are absolutely capable taking a rough concept and making it into a finished, polished project. Zoar is made up of adaptable, agile engineers and designers who will help businesses figure out the right solution for them. Zoar's developers are committed to getting it right.