Our services include live operator phone banks, automated call broadcasts (robocalls) and TeleForums (telephone town halls).Our diverse Democratic client base ranges from federal and state office holders and candidates (constituent and voter outreach), national and regional union groups (member communications) as well as regional and local candidates and issues (local elections, school board races, bond measures) all over the country.You can trust us with a diversity of projects including Voter ID and persuasion voter contact, multi-question polls and surveys and GOTV calls.- Offering you political phone banks of over two hundred (200) fully trained live operators who can connect with over 200,000 voters per day. - Offering you the ability to broadcast automated multi-question call campaigns of any size of call universe, using 100% land-based phone lines. - Offering you TeleForum (Telephone Town Hall) technology, which allows for live, interactive teleconferencing events with potentially hundreds of thousands of voters all at once, in a controlled and managed environment. - Offering you Voter List and Data Development services that include access to voter files from all 50 states. We are here to serve you!Matt - 541.515.3819Moses - 503.309.7985