Years of Water was founded by key players in the infrastructure, education and waterdevelopment industries in emergent nations around the world. After spending years ofresearch in Africa and other underdeveloped countries, the founders of Years of Wateridentified the need for a scalable, long term, durable and independent Household WaterTreatment Solution that could address the issue of clean drinkable water at the source: in thehome. The Water Elephant, a point of use solution, is a portable device (about the size of a 5gallon gas container) that contains a powerful Ultra Violet lamp that destroys bacteria, virusesand protozoa within seconds of coming into contact with polluted water. One Water Elephantunit can produce over 30,000 liters of purified water which means approximately three years ofclean water per household.The Water Elephant is a cost effective, environmentally safe, independent household solutionwhich lasts long and is easy to use. It requires zero maintenance. In a world where every dropcounts, the water elephant is the answer to eradicating world thirst.In a world where every drop counts, the Water Elephant provides every family with sufficientamount of clean water thus enabling it to shift resources away from the constant search forclean water and refocus its efforts around securing a brighter future and a higher quality oflife to its members.