Mourad Elfatry

Technicien Specialise en Electromecanique des Systemes Automatises - ELECTRO AR at AR - , Assam, India

Mourad Elfatry's Colleagues at AR
Supiansyah Pian

Software Engineer - Pt. WHW

Contact Supiansyah Pian

Caleb Cho

Business and Research Analyst - Maze

Contact Caleb Cho

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, Assam, India • 11 - 50 Employees
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

灵犀微光是一家专注于AR底层技术的高科技公司,致力于AR设备瓶颈技术——光学显示,主攻核心器件光学引擎。灵犀微光是全球范围内为数不多的几家光波导技术拥有者,已为多家知名品牌厂商提供核心技术。基于灵犀的光学显示方案,AR设备厂商能够开发出如普通眼镜一般的AR眼镜。公司获红杉资本中国基金数千万A轮融资,获评国家级高新技术企业资质认定,以及北京市新技术新产品资质认定。Lingxi AR is a high tech startup focusing on Augmented Reality (AR) display modules and solutions. By exploiting its strong optics technology and processing advantages, Lingxi AR is the first developer of the waveguide AR technology in China, and has great ability to the mass production.Lingxi AR was founded by a group of AR optics scientists from Peking University and Tsinghua University. The team consists of renowned researchers and experienced professionals in display technology from Google, Foxconn, Samsung, and other great companies.

Details about AR
Frequently Asked Questions about Mourad Elfatry
Mourad Elfatry currently works for AR.
Mourad Elfatry's role at AR is Technicien Specialise en Electromecanique des Systemes Automatises - ELECTRO AR.
Mourad Elfatry's email address is *** To view Mourad Elfatry's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mourad Elfatry works in the Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry.
Mourad Elfatry's colleagues at AR are Karyn Swallow, Aaron Ram, Hadi Suprianto, Supiansyah Pian, Arshad Latif, Caleb Cho and others.
Mourad Elfatry's phone number is
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