iNRG is a young and innovative company (2007) based on a strong philosophy of technology development from the perspective of the end-user. The founders of iNRG already started in 2004 with creating an open and flexible platform that enables detailed energy measurement and optimization of decentralized energy production. The so-called iNRG box enables 3rd parties to develop their own software for specific aims. iNRG's philosophy: 'vertical products' are not the future and will be accepted less and less. iNRG offers 'Life style energy management products (consumer)' and 'monitoring and optimization systems' (for consumers, manufacturers, installer/servicing) with the overall aim of enabling own, affordable and sustainable energy. To test the platform, iNRG is looking for more services/intelligence of universities or other 3rd parties to test and develop the different services/apps/intelligence. The more we test the platform, but more robust and valuable it will be.