TeamLease Edtech is India's leading learning solutions company; in our quest of Making India Employable, we work with leading Universities and Corporates across the country: We help Universities launch, run and manage their own Online Programs, help Institutes improve the employability of their students through our Apprenticeship linked skilling programs and help Corporates upskill & reskill their workforce to improve productivity and build a talent supply chain. TeamLease EdTech provides a modular multi-modal classroom model of learning that works across multiple classrooms - Online, Onsite, On-Job, and Virtual to provide a seamless learning experience to the learner. TL Edtech has exclusive partnerships with 40 of India's largest Universities across 16 Indian states, trains 3.5 Lakh students on its platform through 9 Indian languages, works with 4500 corporates in their upskilling/skilling initiatives, and manages over 200 degree, diploma, certificate programs.