Mu-Chun Su

Professor at National Central University - Taoyuan City, Taiwan, TW

Mu-Chun Su's Contact Details
+886 3 422 7151#35407
National Central University
Mu-Chun Su's Company Details
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National Central University

Taoyuan City, Taiwan, TW • 1260 Employees

In 1902, during the late Qing Dynasty, the Liangjiang Governor-General Chang Chih-tung established Liangjiang Normal School in the Chinese city of Nanjing. This was the birth of modern-style education in China and also the founding of NCU. NCU was re-established in Taiwan in 1962 as part of the country´s response to the International Geophysical Year. The school was initially located in Miaoli, but was relocated to Jhongli in 1968, and gradually developed into a comprehensive university. NCU has now become Taiwan´s leading school in the fields of geophysics and space science, and was selected as one of the major research-oriented universities in 2001. It is a first-rate university with solid international qualifications. NCU now has seven colleges in different areas, including College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Engineering, College of Management, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Earth Sciences, and College of Hakka Studies. Its facilities and faculty are tremendously improved, and it has gained an international reputation for research and academic excellence. Cooperative education programs and cooperative research projects have grown in number over the years. In the future, NCU will continue to apply the down-to-earth attitude and vigorous spirit to leading-edge research and innovative learning, pursuing our excellence as a first-rate university in Taiwan.

Geophysics Taiwan Higher Education Space Science Earth Science Liberal Arts Science Engineering Management Electrical Engineering Computer Science
Details about National Central University
Frequently Asked Questions about Mu-Chun Su
Mu-Chun Su currently works for National Central University.
Mu-Chun Su's role at National Central University is Professor.
Mu-Chun Su's email address is *** To view Mu-Chun Su's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mu-Chun Su works in the College/University industry.
Mu-Chun Su's colleagues at National Central University are Margery Chiang, Hung-Shuo Hsu, Hsiaoliang Hu, Jyun-Hong Lu, Jia-Shiang Fu, Tachih Hsiao, Gwodong Chen and others.
Mu-Chun Su's phone number is +886 3 422 7151#35407
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