Intern at Spiraldesk : The Customer Support Platform , that can eliminate the need of using multiple helpdesks - , Kerala, India
Spiraldesk is a helpdesk software, that lets you centralize & organize your support operations & agent statistics across multiple companiesMost SME's/Enterprises with multiple customer support channels, for their multiple products/companies uses a single helpdesk for each of them and fail to have a centralized reports/stats based on the agents & companies. We solve this specific problem. Spiraldesk is a multicompany helpdesk software which helps you bring all your organizations and their departments under a single set of customer service executives. Spiraldesk is an out of the box solution to help large organizations to scale indefinitely with the same set of employees handling their customers.Spiraldesk would follow a SAAS model of business charging per users on a monthly basis . Spiraldesk will make the customer support operation more efficient, by focusing on streamlining the processes using one single interface. We will generate revenue by charging companies that wishes to have administrative control on their employee networks. Biography :The idea of Spiraldesk came up from the need of a centralized system for managing an Outsourced Support Company "Supportlobby". Supportlobby had 50 + webhosting companies as clients , each of them using different helpdesks for managing their customer support. There were about 80 support engineers supporting the clients , and they had to stay logged-in to each of these 50 helpdesks to make sure that the 24/7 support with tight SLA's are maintained. We came up with a primary helpdesk product spybees, which effectively manages the tickets coming in to each of these 50+ heldesk queues and thus enabling Supportlobby to generate stats of the support engineers on a periodic level. We tried to commercialize it and was able to draw around 100 free active users to it in the process. But it lacked the X-factor and the completeness as a product, which led to the birth of "Spiraldesk".