Ultra-modern world is the era of technology advanced construction and innovations.The durability of concrete structures can be affected by inadequate waterproofing, resulting in water leaking into the structure, and eventually weakening of the building itself. Damsure has expertise in identifying the right chemical technology to avoid these problems, from initial construction through to refurbishment and rehabilitation of building structures.Particularly in the case of high-rise buildings, there is a need for high-pumpability concrete to reduce the construction period, driving down costs as well as improving efficiency. Damsure offers a wide range of specialized products from concrete admixture to waterproofing, repairs, and protective coatings to achieve exceptional performance, both technically and commercially.In order to climate changes and temperature issues every construction wants quality Waterproofing solutions. At present, there is the need of internationally recognized waterproofing product in the market. Yes we have accomplished to present such an ultimate waterproofing solution for this constructive world. Being aligned with our vision we have planned to provide our product and services to a large customer base through the franchise & Distribution strategies. Focused on the quality and durability, the company serves in standard waterproofing solutions, constructing chemicals and painting solutions.