GPERAGPERA provides a platform for users to share , follows, like, post the video and image content with a modern & fresh approach, our objective is to accommodate and be highly favorable in users social lifestyle.An easy Video Sharing and Open Network Platform Apps that creates beautiful way to share videos with the users. Word started to spread, and an insanely supportive community of creators began to blossom.Apps platforms which allow users to socialized using variety of social media cross-platform integration to upload, share videos or live stream their own videos to the Internet.And distribute streaming media as a standalone product directly to viewers over the Internet, bypassing telecommunications, multi-channel television, and broadcast television platforms that traditionally act as a controller or distributor of such content.These Apps platform can either be for the general public to watch, or particular users on a shared network also include Advertisement-supported Video on Demand (AVOD) where we make the premium content , TV Channel and Movie available to be viewed ..