Director at Corporate Social Responsibility Centre Pakistan - Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
CSRCP is an initiative to foster sustainable development and reporting in Pakistan. We enable organizations to understand sustianability, identify organiztaion's sustainability issues, proritize sustainability issue to be tackled in short term and longterm, tackle sustainability issues, develop management systems, define targets and report sustainability impacts/outcomes to their stakeholders. Transparency of the reported inforamtion devlops trust and confidence of stakeholders. We enhance transparency of the reports through assurance of Sustainability Reports. Sustainability, being an emerging issues, is difficult to be embraced by organizations as organizations lack capacity. We build organizational capacity to enable them to deal with sustainability management and reporting issues. Importance of research is evident for planning, keeping in view its importance, we carryout resaerch on different issues ranging from Sustainability tools, best Sustainability practices and transparency in Sustainability reports etc. We believe research helps in better understanding of Sustianability and realted emerging issues. Once understood, it can be managed.