Star Emirates Marine Services Est.Radio Navigational EquipmentsSurveys, Maintenance, Supply , Radio survey for class ( ABS , BV , Rina )Star Emirates Marine Services Est.specialized in marine services relatedto Class and/or Owner'sRequirements. Headquarter is AbuDhabi .U.A.E.Our branch in theKingdom of Saudi Arabia is e isestablished in 2015 inside Jeddah,The company's major customersinclude oil tankers, oil companieswith offshore wkboats, and foreignregistered commercial vesselsthrough their local agents, fishingvessels as well as both foreign andlocally registered yachts.Amongst our Staff are factory-trainedtechnicians and engineers. Our Staffreceive Refresher training courses atthe respective Factories frequentlyand our Service facility is fullyequipped and approved in accordancewith International standards.We proudly state that we areproviding the best possible service forall our customers. Our employees areheld to the highest standards to ensuredependability in our life-savingequipment. We will take time out ofour day to answer any questions orconcerns our customers may have,and build relationships because weconsider this as more than just a joband our customers are more than justcustomersWe offer maintenance for the following devices and also brand new one • EPIRB • Gyro Compass & Steering Systems• SART • Magnetic Compass• GPS / Chart Plotters • Rudder Angle Indicator• VHF DSC Radios • Autopilots• Walkie Talkies (Hand Held Radios) • Joy Stick Control Systems• MF / HF (SSB) Radios • Intercom / PA Systems• Navtex Receiver • Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) & (S-VDR)• Echo Sounders & Sonar Systems• Automatic Identification System (AIS)• Radar• GMDSS & Satellite Communication Systems• Inmarsat C• Ship Security Alert Systems (SSAS)• LRIT• Wind Speed Indicators• Speed Log• Doppler & Electro Magnetic Speed Logs• Automatic Battery Charges