Maintenance planner / project engineer at Highbase Strategic Sdn. Bhd. (HQ) - Majlis Perbandaran Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
HIGHBASE STRATEGIC SDN BHD is a leading service provider of onshore and offshore oil & gas facilities maintenance for upstream and downstream operators.Since 2005, HIGHBASE has grown into a formidable organization providing its services to major clientele in the oil & gas industry. With more than 130 talents of various expertise's Project Management Team, HIGHBASE was awarded in May 2010 an ISO 9001:2008 accreditation in Quality Management System by Bureau Veritas and has progressed successfully to ISO 9001:2015 in May 2017. HIGHBASE has acquired ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards from Lloyd's Register in January 2018.Our scope of services includes:1. Cleaning, Repair and Maintenance of Pressure Vessel, Heat Exchanger and Storage Tank (fixed & floating roofs) inclusive of desludging and decontamination.2. Daily Maintenance & Turnaround of Mechanical Static Equipment.3. Topside Major Maintenance of Offshore facilities.4. Hook-up and Commissioning of Offshore facilities.5. Minor fabrication of steel structure and mechanical.6. Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) handling and monitoring. HIGHBASE has successfully delivered its project and recorded 5,115,800 of man-hours without lost-time injury (LTI) since 2005 until 2020. Leveraging on our accumulated experience and comprehensive service capabilities, we can offer better value propositions to our existing and future clients.