Welcome to YEP Turkey – The Best Teacher Hiring Platform in Istanbul, Turkey. We hire hundreds of experienced and inexperienced teachers of any field from the globe to be employed at private schools in Turkey for a full academic year. We provide great job opportunities, work experience, and a lot of fun while you are with us. So, are you ready? If your answer is yes, let's begin! We have 3 categories to hire you; CATEGORY A, CATEGORY B, and CATEGORY C.CATEGORY A teachers are supposed to be from the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada and Ireland. If you are not from these countries, then you are a CATEGORY B teacher and in this case, you must have at least a TEFL or TESOL Certificate to be employed at our institutions. CATEGORY C is for Turkish candidates only and they are supposed to have "Öğretmen Formasyon Sertifikası" to apply for our platform.