RenewAfrica.Biz is the definitive source for updates and market intelligence on the rapidly growing Renewable Energy sector of the African continent. As many African countries are experiencing a massive surge in economic growth, the demand for energy has been increasing exponentially. With close to 600 million Africans having no access to electricity, Africa is on a tremendous drive to ensure universal energy access before 2030. Africa has vast renewable energy resources in all forms. The drastic drop in renewable energy technology and lenders' appetite to finance climate related investments means Africa is best positioned to leapfrog straight into cleaner energy and maximise its massive renewable energy potential. RenewAfrica.Biz provides intelligent, focused content on renewable energy developments, investment opportunities, clean technology trends, policy and technical white papers. Our network of content partners around the continent and seasoned journalists ensure that thousands of decision makers are imbued with expert curated thought leadership content, research and critical analysis to make informed decisions.