H.O.P.E. for Stroke is a non-profit (501c3) organization founded and staffed by stroke survivor and caregiver volunteers dedicated to directly helping other stroke survivors and caregivers. With our helping hands, we guide back to shore, thus the "Lighthouse". We offer a Beacon of Light to the loving and selfless caregivers. This role is so often taken for granted. Though they are not afflicted, they are truly affected. H.O.P.E. for Stroke understands their challenges and provides them with experienced help and assistance. We are the "Lifeguards of Stroke" for all in need. We do not wear a lab coat or business suit. We are people who have experienced stroke first hand and wish to give back to others. We know what helped or could have helped us and are committed to share our experience to anyone in need. Sometimes just talking to someone who's been there and truly understands is the best medicine. Please call us at (516) 804-8495. It may be the most important phone call you've made yet!