The Agrosintropia arose from the pursuit and willingness of two young farmers from Goias, Pablo and Murilo, who were looking for a way to work with the production of healthy food in harmony with Nature. They found that in Syntropic Agriculture, a revolutionary practice taught by the Ernst Götsch in Brazil, the great inspiration for their planting. Because they faced difficulties in accessing these environmentally sustainable agricultural practices in Goiânia, due to the lack of institutions and companies that could assist them, they had to seek knowledge through courses and experiences in other states. On the first of September 2016 Agrosintropia was created. In order to help people who, like them, are looking for ways to make an agriculture that works with the force of nature and not against it.We carry out consulting for the implementation and monitoring of Agroforestry and organic plants in the countryside and in the city. We have organized training courses in successive agroforestry systems (SAFs) focused on vegetable production, fruit growing, annual species "gardens", silvopastoral system and the recovery of degraded areas. We believe we can make a difference and contribute to improving the planet's environmental quality.The implementation of productive agroforestry systems is a reality in many parts of the world. On a small, medium or large scale, forestry principles and technology can be used to increase the quality, diversity and productivity of agricultural crops. You choose the productive species you want to plant in your agroforestry system and we have shown you the best way to plan, plant and take care of your plantation. You can reduce costs and be profitable when you can plant systems with species that produce in the short, medium and long term. Best of all, without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, it can restore the soil, conserve water and create more life on your property. Plant a field of productive agroforestry!