ImOffered is a SaaS (software as a service) marketplace for high-caliber professionals to get their best-deserved offers from top-notch companies in the finance industry, FinTech companies, and high-growth startups. Disrupting the old-fashioned way of job hunting and talent sourcing is our everyday job. Looking for better jobs should not be mundane, complex and long-hauling. ImOffered is bridging top talents in financial field with the new world of possibilities. Landing you the dream job is our mission. Not only are we providing the unparalleled transparency to both ends, the structured profile gives you the most visualized way of assessing opportunities. And who does not love data and accuracy? Let our AI engineers do the work and you will not have to worry about expectation mismatch. Getting your dream jobs is just one click away. Hassle free, sit back and wait to pick your offers! Sign up now and see what you're truly worth! #TGIM #ImOffered #LivingYourDream ImOffered作為領先的軟件即服務(SaaS)招聘平臺,幫助最優秀的職場人士獲取來自全球頂尖的金融、金融科技、以及超高速增長的科技創業公司的職業機會。我們認為,找工作不應當是一件繁瑣、乏味或拖沓的過程,ImOffered致力於幫助金融行業頂尖人才開啟一個探索新世界無限可能的機會。 我們都曾經歷過痛苦的求職過程, 緩慢且不透明,這些經歷促使我們決心嘗試顛覆傳統招聘行業- 招聘網站、獵頭公司以及現有的社交招聘平臺。我們通過提供全新的人才市場服務,將在招聘者同求職者間扮演全新的平臺角色。 我們的使命是創造簡單無障礙的求職體驗,讓每個人能夠更專註於核心的業務本身。基於前沿的機器學習技術以及數據分析算法,我們的系統能夠對公司的空缺需求以及求職者做最科學匹配。通過ImOffered, 招聘者可以直接瀏覽求職者信息,提出面試要求, 發送工作邀請,我們幫助求職者和招聘者把時間投入於核心工作而非乏味的人才篩選過程上。 通過顛覆傳統的招聘網站,我們的招聘者能夠更專註於核心資產-人才。精準匹配是我們追求的目标,我們的數據科學家正通過人工智能創造最佳自動匹配的完美体验。