DMBFX is a private website open to all private individuals and traders looking for a community to discuss, learn, share and trade togther. Trading professionals are welcomed to propose guidance, advices and solutions. The website is a community proprety, your website, feel free to participate, suggest, propose .... to make it move in the right direction keeping the bottom line unchaged: Learn and Share. All the members are welcomed to take a responsibility in the website's activity, from design to blog, weekly, daily news ... and so on. All members can have their own private corner, sub-website and email, to express them selves. Why all this? And for free?In my opinion, succeful traders make money out of their trading activities and not from selling their knowledge. The answers to the above questions are straightforward: If you learn, you know, if you know you improve. If you improve you share. If you share I learn. If i learn, i know. If i know i improve and if i improve i share ...... that is the spirit of this website: learn, improve, share and strive to become a successful traders and nothing else. You share this mindset, you are welcome ....