Project Coordinator at Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation - The Hague, N/A, nl
Many ethnic and nationalist conflicts today are rooted in unresolved historical disputes and injustices. These events are frequently misunderstood and manipulated to serve partisan political ends, often serving public propaganda to fuel prejudice, hatred and destructive nationalist sentiments. The IHJR believes that in confronting and overcoming these distortions of historical reality, reconciliation, tolerance and understanding of "the other" can contribute toward laying the groundwork for stable peace. The Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation seeks to address unresolved historical injustices that underline ethnic and nationalist conflicts. The aim is to promote understanding by developing joint projects of historical and sociological research on historical events among divided societies The IHJR aims to promote reconciliation, tolerance and understanding in divided societies by dispelling public myths of disputed historical legacies. To this end, the IHJR engages respected scholars and public opinion leaders from opposing sides of a conflict to work together to create and disseminate shared narratives that provide reliable facts and commentary as a basis for public debate and discussion. Through these collaborative efforts, the IHJR also seeks to develop networks of engaged citizens from academia, civil society and the media, that work together to confront and avert the misuse of disputed historical legacies