Right kind of knowledge or awareness has chief importance in human life! The importance of getting knowledge or learning in general and learning Quran in particular is evident from the first revelation that Allah Almighty bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The verses of the first revelation say: "Proclaim! (or read) in the name of the Lord and Cherisher, who created, -created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood" (Surah 96 – Al-Alaq; Verse 1-2).The Quran is a Holly Book of Islam and spiritual guide for entire humanity. Quran is the word of Allah Almighty and the last Holly Book that Allah sent down to people. This holly book treasures all kind of knowledge that man needed to be successful socially and spiritually. Holly Quran helps the men to get out of the darkness of ignorance and move towards light and ultimate success. Learning, reading, listening, watching, touching, mentioning and obeying the Holy Quran is a matter of great honor for every Muslim as well as a way to get spiritual peace.It is the religious duty of every Muslim to learn Quran as Holy prophet (PBUH) said "the best amongst you is the one who learns Holy Quran and teaches it." There are so many ways to learn Quran but the easiest and preferable way now days to hire a professional Tutor to learn Quran online.How to learn Quran Online?Today, there are so many website, apps, online academies and institutes like MyQuranTutor, are working to make it easy for everyone to learn Quran online professionally on the ease. Just choose a desired one, contact via given channel of communication and start learning Quran online. But make sure, if you are going to start learning Holy Quran online, then you should be equipped with all the necessary things including internet connection, head phone and microphone, computer or necessary operating machine to establish a secure and strong communication channel among you and your online tutor.