Myint Lwin

myint lwin at Myanmar Business Today - , Yangon, Myanmar

Myint Lwin's Contact Details
Yangon,Yangon Region,Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Myanmar Business Today
Myint Lwin's Company Details
Myanmar Business Today logo, Myanmar Business Today contact details

Myanmar Business Today

, Yangon, Myanmar • 51 - 200 Employees

Myanmar Business Today (MBT) is Myanmar's largest circulating business publication. It is Myanmar's first and the only bilingual (English-Myanmar) business newspaper, and is distributed in Myanmar and Thailand.MBT became one of the first foreign-invested media houses Myanmar's reform-era when Thailand's established publishing company TPN Media ventured into the Southeast Asian nation in 2012 to start the frontier economy's pioneering business publication. TPN Media's is registered in Myanmar under the name UT Business Media Co.,Ltd. for publishing, marketing, advertising, and distribution services. MBT began operations from their office in South Okkalapa, Yangon until early 2019, when they moved into a larger building in the heart of Yangon, not far from Myanmar Plaza to better collobrate with Yangon's businessmen. The main focus is on Myanmar's economy, investment and finance, business opportunities, foreign trade, property and real estate, automobile, among other sectors.Myanmar Business Today is a journal printed once a week, and released to news stands on Thursdays. MBT covers a range of news encompassing local business stories, special reports, in-depth features, and analyses. MBT also provides detailed coverage of regional (ASEAN) and international business stories that are beneficial for Myanmar.Myanmar Business Today's target readers are foreign and local investors, business people, policymakers, diplomats and government officials. Our advertisers are those who are trying to reach these niche target groups in Myanmar.With a weekly circulation of 65,000 copies in two countries, and over 170,000 unique monthly visitors to our website, with 620,000 monthly web page views, we provide the best solutions for our advertisers with our rich content, outstanding print quality and superior distribution chain, to convey their messages to readers not only in Myanmar but also in Thailand, Southeast Asia's second largest economy.

Details about Myanmar Business Today
Frequently Asked Questions about Myint Lwin
Myint Lwin currently works for Myanmar Business Today.
Myint Lwin's role at Myanmar Business Today is myint lwin.
Myint Lwin's email address is *** To view Myint Lwin's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Myint Lwin works in the Publishing industry.
Myint Lwin's colleagues at Myanmar Business Today are Lwin Lwin, Pann Nu, Hnin Lwin, Minmin Htetpo, Layoung Layoung, Sein Myint, Moh Kyi and others.
Myint Lwin's phone number is ["16502530000","2013775952","4806242505"]
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