Field Manager at New Nest Distributors (Pvt.) Limited - Riyadh, Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia
New Nest Distributors just came into being on August 11, 2014. NND was conceived more than one year ago, by a group of professionals, already engaged in the trade of marketing and distribution in Pakistan. The need was identified in the space of large local brands distribution companies on one end that manages well established brands and on the other end of the spectrum there are many small distribution outfits, managed mostly by family members with limited scale in reach and strategic capability. At New Nest we are rightly positioned to help new emerging brands enter the Pakistan market and add value to existing mid sized brands moving up to the next level. We believe in long term partnership, where we can add value to existing and new entrants navigate the Pakistani consumer's home through effective trade and value added services management. New Nest is housing senior management multinational talent to provide strategic direction to brands that will be able to compete effectively along with big brands within the category. New Nest has also acquired talent in operational management form the local distribution houses to complement the on ground execution. We at New Nest believe that the strategy and execution will synchronize in helping clients build brands for the long haul. New Nest has recently inked a relationship with a leading local company serving Herbal OTC, Food/ Drinks proven brands with most being category leaders with more than 100 years of equity standing. The collective experience for the 5 senior members are over 100 years across, distribution management, selling functions, business development, technical, R&D, equity and brand management, project feasibility and general management.