We have a huge problem. Our cities are way too crowded, it takes too much time to move even the short distances. We pollute our own home and feel miserable every single day. To fix that there is only way – to make a general shift in the way we move around. We decided not only to talk about that, but to take a serious action. So we started from the short, up to 1 km length trips, that mostly happen in the oldtowns and between business centers – too long for walking but too short for a car ride. We have recreated something everyone already knows – a kick scooter. We made it perfect for adults. We made it comfortable, easy to store and simply beautiful. Now you can travel accross the city centre five times faster than walking, not taking care of parking, not polluting and, most important, be happy and exceptional. We call them City birds and we invite you to join.Citybirds is a company headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and in Vilnius, Lithuania.