VETfocus is a Training Company established to cater for the exclusive needs of the Veterinary Industry. Training packages cover Sales, Client Relationship Building, Merchandising, Customer Service, Protocols, Conflict Management and more. Sessions can be designed around a particular clinic's needs or individuals can attend group sessions offered throughout the year. Group sessions give individuals a unique opportunity to brainstorm with their peers. In these sessions practical step by step plans are written and specific tools are taught to give the students confidence in applying the techniques learnt into real-life situations. This is an excellent way of bringing fresh ideas back into the practice. In-house training incorporates the clinic's policies, procedures and the type of culture the clinic wish to portray to staff and clients. Sessions can be organised after the clinic closes to get maximum staff participation and can vary in length depending on the subjects covered. This training focuses on changing the practice's weaknesses into its strengths. Recruiting new staff is expensive and time consuming and with a lack of skilled workers available in our industry it is vital to train and retain your staff. Training is an effective and inexpensive way to motivate, educate and install positive work ethics in your employees. The Goodwill in your business is your biggest asset and your staff are the key to increasing your Goodwill - so encourage your staff to achieve their best through veterinary business and team training. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mission Statement Strengthening business through training solutions. Vision Statement While delivering professional, relevant training packages to the Animal Health industry VET Focus will strive to be empathetic and accommodating to the different needs of individual veterinary companies.