Taken from the ACMS Consitution:"THE ASSOCIATED CLAN MACLEOD SOCIETIES" (hereinafter referred to as "ACMS").2. OBJECTS.ACMS is established:2.1 To strengthen and consolidate the bond of fellowship among Clan MacLeod Societies throughout the world and among individuals who are members of, or associated with, such Clan MacLeod Societies and among Clansfolk generally.2.2 To enlist and maintain the interest of all and particularly young Clansfolk in Clan matters.2.3 To further the interests and sphere of influence of Clan MacLeod throughout the world.2.4 To consider matters affecting the Clan MacLeod Societies and to represent the views of ACMS to those and to other Societies connected with Clan or Scottish Highland matters.2.5 For literary purposes – including the publication of any literature, particularly that dealing with MacLeods or their Septs or Adherents which, in the opinion of ACMS, may be desirable.2.6 For historical purposes – including the repair, restoration and preservation of places and objects of Clan interest.2.7 For educational purposes – including the encouragement of the study of historical and other matters having particular relation to the Clan.2.8 To take such other action as may be practicable to encourage the traditions, interests and cultural matters related to the Clan, and such other matters that the ACMS may decide from time to time to be desirable.