IME Clinic Inc., founded in January 2020 is a registered private medical company that performs Immigration Medical Exams for IRCC, and other non-MSP-related services. We provide our services to patients from all over Canada, with multiple locations within Lower Mainland, BC. We are introducing a new medical exam service at IME Clinic Inc., the Student Medical Exam. It is a new regulation being implemented to schools and colleges to consider having annual health checks for all their students. Canada Medical Exams Society (CMES) has introduced the SME and has asked the school to take action and help protect Public Health in a post-pandemic strategy to reduce the spread of viruses. In support of CMES, we are providing these services to help students get their SME at ease.We are here to help people get their immigration, private and student medical exams done with our registered panel physicians/doctors, all over the Lower Mainland.Our Mission is to introduce regular health checks in all private businesses, schools and colleges. We believe that the post-COVID world needs more medical attention to prevent the spread of diseases and viruses. The Student Medical Exam enters that category.