Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and head of technology development at Wateringa - Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Three problems that we are focusing on: 1:In many areas and villages there's no electricity and the drinkable water; 2: Water sediment will bring many problems in water transferring systems; 3:The cultivation seeds with Dormancy will waste water, time, and energy in the process of planting seeds Though installing our device, the above important problems can be solved perfectly. What is our solution: Installing Water Descaling Machines based on their usage. It works by mechanical energy taken from water and magnetic energy, it can provide the required electricity, improve the quality of drinking water, and awaken the seed modification. what is our product: Water Descaling Machines. In general, this device can easily produce electricity from the water flow in pipe; due to the fact that it magnetizes water and on improve its physical properties, especially by reducing the surface tension, increases the water solubility, and the potential of dormant seeds. When this device decreases dormant seeds , it needs a little water comparing to a usual seed for planting. In addition, Many areas that are far from the national power grid and do not have access to it can also provide the electricity they need independently, besides high quality water.