WEG Transformers USA located in Washington, Missouri was purchased from CG Power Systems USA Inc. (formerly Pauwels Transformers USA), in July 2017. WTU has proven to be a reliable manufacturer of transformers across North America, and many overseas countries. WTU excels in manufacturing three phase pad-mounted transformers, primary unit substation transformers, and secondary unit substation transformers up to 10 MVA. In addition, we produce three phase small and medium power transformers through 60 MVA.WEG Transformers USA has three manufacturing facilities in Heidmann Industrial Park in Washington, Missouri USA.Our parent company, WEG, was founded in 1961, by Werner Ricardo Voigt, Eggon Joao da Silva and Geraldo Werninghaus in the city of Jaraguá do Sul, Brazil. WEG operates mainly in the sector of capital goods and is one of the largest world manufacturers of electric-electronic equipment, having five main businesses: Motors, Energy, Transmission and Distribution, Automation and Coatings.