Independent building services consultancy & system integrators Its primary task to provide professional building services engineering design and consultancy to external clients and provide a design guardian service for the SEAIIT Business Alliance Companies Davmark provides a comprehensive yet flexible, single-point management consultancy and planning service to clients, offering support from initial project and policy definition through to feasibility planning and implementation. Our leadership in this area stems from our unique ability to provide the multi-disciplinary input that is required to successfully meet the demands of large-scale strategic projects, as well as from our experience and knowledge of policy and know how on implementation. Our clients include National Government, and local government authorities, MOD establishments and private sector developers. Building integration and connectivity goes well beyond the device and equipment level. The new front-line of technology and value creation is in connectivity to the enterprise. That means creating a network for a building that connects and exchanges information between mechanical and electrical systems and the entire range of business applications via new Web-services technologies. Another facet of connectivity is connecting information to the right people. Convergence of buildings onto IP networks. Web-enabled systems allow users to monitor and control their facilities from anywhere, at any-time.