Head Of Account at DHAR PROJECT CONSULTANTS PRIVATE LIMITED - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dhar Project Consultants Pvt Ltd have an experience of 18 years in the field of Architecture, Corporate Infrastructure and Design Management having completed a large numbers of varied projects encompassing clienteles across various sectors of Industry, viz Finance, Banking, Retail, Telecommunication , Shipping, Media , Information & Technology , Hospitality ,Education comprising of mix use developments , adaptive re use projects, training centres , software parks, spas, Hotels etc pan India , for Architectural and Interior projects with emphasis on renovation , adaptive re-use and Sustainable design. We provide Site specific Project Management & Turnkey Solutions "that incorporate principles of Innovation and value creation . The combine provides a wide range of services that will help you build right . A multi disciplinary design combine that can cater to all project's design requirements…This focus on giving the customer the best has resulted in the rapidly growing eclectic portfolio of projects across the spectrum of business and execution of projects in major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Gurgaon Chennai, Bangalore ,Kolkatta including works in tier I & tier II cities like hyderabad, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Surat, Noida , Pune, Nashik, Uttaranchal and many more …