Nanna Bang

Direktør, Dansk Initiativ for Etisk Handel at (DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative - N/A, N/A, DK

Nanna Bang's Contact Details
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
(DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative
Nanna Bang's Company Details
(DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative logo, (DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative contact details

(DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative

N/A, N/A, DK • 10 - 19 Employees
Web Development

Dansk Initiativ for Etisk Handel blev etableret i 2008 som medlemsorganisation af erhvervslivet, fagbevægelsen og civilsamfundsorganisationerne for at styrke viden, handling og samarbejde omkring ansvarlig og bæredygtig global handel.Dansk Initiativ for Etisk Handel har i dag flere end 100 medlemmer og samarbejdspartnere, og er mødested for både erfarne og nye spillere inden for samfundsansvar og bæredygtighed, der samles om udvikling af viden og fælles løsninger på problemer inden for globale værdikæder.

Details about (DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative
Frequently Asked Questions about Nanna Bang
Nanna Bang currently works for (DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative.
Nanna Bang's role at (DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative is Direktør, Dansk Initiativ for Etisk Handel.
Nanna Bang's email address is *** To view Nanna Bang's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nanna Bang works in the Web Development industry.
Nanna Bang's colleagues at (DIEH) Danish Ethical Trading Initiative are Andreas Honoré, Jacob Lykke, Claus Pedersen, Sarah Dieckmann, Janine Dortmundt, Jacob Andersen and others.
Nanna Bang's phone number is N/A
See more information about Nanna Bang