SENATOR GmbH & Co. KGaA is one of the leading providers of individualised and personalised means of advertising on and around the desk. The assortment includes high quality writing instruments, drinking vessels as well as writing folders and accessories.With our own, highly specialised production of plastic writing instruments at the Groß-Bieberau headquarters (Germany) we have reached a world market level in the field of high quality production and branding of plastic products. From construction to production, assembly, print and logistics we fulfill the complete value added chain within the own company.The goal of conciliating ecology and economy is ingrained throughout SENATOR, and is supported by all functions of the company. As part of an exacting environmental management system, we subject our processes to regular review, integrate new knowledge and actively adapt ourselves to major changes. For our products we only use raw materials which stand up to comprehensive ecological assessment.Selection of raw materials and production processes are directed towards ensuring the absence of hazardous materials, use of recycled material, bio-degradability and avoidance of waste. We therefore comply with the REACH ordinance of the European Union, which states that only tested and registered chemicals must be used by the year 2018.SENATOR company follows a strict environmental and quality management system according to ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 and has not only been a member of the BSCI for many year but has also committed itself to assume responsibility for people and the environment as part of its own CSR program (Corporate Social Responsibility) and also as member of the worldwide "Business Social Compliance Initiative" (BSCI).