Mothers' Milk Bank Northeast (MMBNE) is a community nonprofit and one of 31 nonprofit milk banks accredited by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) to provide pasteurized donor human milk to babies in fragile health throughout the Northeastern United States.Core to MMBNE's mission is advocacy and education in the larger landscape of breastfeeding support, in which donor milk plays a critical role, including equitable distribution of donor milk to all babies in need. Whether participating in cutting-edge research at teaching hospitals, working with state and local breastfeeding coalitions, advocating for Medicaid and insurance coverage for donor milk, or presenting educational sessions at local and national conferences, MMBNE staff and board members are committed to ensuring that milk donation becomes as widely known to the public as blood donation.With a professional staff of 24, four of whom are part-time, MMBNE provides donor milk to over 90 hospitals in 11 states who use the milk in their neonatal intensive care units, special care nurseries, and well-baby units. Families with preterm and full-term babies throughout the country order milk as well, and to date more than 9,000 mothers have been screened to donate milk, which can be shipped free of charge or dropped off at one of 28 depots in 10 states. MMBNE also has three boards: a Board of Directors, a Medical Advisory Board, and a Research Advisory Board. Our office and laboratory are currently located in the Boston suburb of Newton, Massachusetts. Donated milk is processed daily by MMBNE in its lab according to HMBANA and FDA standards, with the strictest adherence to medical guidelines and food safety regulations.