Engagement Benefits Specialist at Better Business Bureau Great West + Pacific - Boise City, ID, us
BBB is a neutral, not-for-profit with the mission to advance marketplace trust. BBB is funded almost entirely by annual dues from local BBB Accredited Businesses. As an unbiased organization, BBB sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. BBB is fundamentally committed to the belief that most marketplace problems can be corrected through voluntary self-regulation; BBB believes that consumers should hold businesses accountable to the highest standards of integrity and transparency. BBB's Mission: To be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. To promote ethical business practices, BBB provides these FREE services: BBB Business Reviews: BBB provides comprehensive reports on local organizations, which include: background information, contact information, complaint history, relevant government actions, and BBB Accreditation status/rating. Advertising Review: BBB aggresively investigates advertisements which appear to violate regulations, standards, and/or BBB's Code of Advertising. Dispute Resolution: When buyer-seller disputes escalate, BBB offers free mediation and arbitration services (which are conducted by unbiased third parties). Public Relations/Media Alerts: BBB's Public Relations team works very hard to stay on top of issues that may affect consumers in Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Western Wyoming, including: current scam notifications, marketplace updates, and business advice.