RX Fitness is a North Carolina based personal training company, serving Charlotte, North Carolina. We are dedicated to helping you develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our mission is to establish and promote exercise in a clinical environment. We feel that since exercise is a branch of medical science, it should likewise be prescribed with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail in accordance to each individual's physiology & psychology. Just as medical doctors do not prescribe the same dosage of drug treatment to everyone, we follow the same quality of standards. It is extremely important to acknowledge that since any amount of exercise performed represents a negative factor (all activity performed causes an inroad into functional and recovery ability), it is vital to prescribe the minimal amount necessary to elicit the best response possible to meet your needs and goals. As Certified Fitness Clinicians we design an exercise program in an exact dose/response in accordance to your individualism. I take into account your needs, goals, abilities, limitations and preferences and "prescribe" the program that is the most effective and time efficient. Our highly specialized methods and training strategies are based in part on the +90 million dollars of research conducted by the Med -X Corporation and The University Of Florida as well as research conducted by The International Association of Resistance Trainers.