Natale Iorio

amministratore at Pompei Easy Car - Scafati, Campania, Italy

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Pompei Easy Car
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Pompei Easy Car

Scafati, Campania, Italy • 2 Employees

Descrizione: Ovunque sia la vostra destinazione e quale sia la vostra esigenza - dai singoli transfer da e per i principali aeroporti, stazioni ferroviarie e porti marini in tutta la penisola per turismo, affari, rappresentanza aziendale, cerimonie e congressi - offre un servizio di Autonoleggio con Conducente per trasferimenti nel massimo comfort, eleganza e riservatezza. Pompei Easy Car mette a disposizione dei clienti un servizio professionale, cordiale sempre con discrezione, massima attenzione, sicurezza e puntualita'. Potete noleggiare auto, minivan con autista fino a 8 passeggeri e possiamo organizzare servizi per qualsiasi esigenza. E' possibile organizzare a richiesta anche Tour turistici con guida autorizzata. Wherever your destination and what your need - from individual transfers to and from major airports, railway stations and seaports throughout the peninsula for tourism, business, business representation, ceremonies and conferences - offers a Car with Driver for transfers in comfort, elegance and privacy. Pompeii Easy Car provides customers with a professional, friendly always with discretion, attention, security and punctuality. You can rent a car, minivan up to 8 passengers and we can arrange services for every need. You can organize on request also tour with tourist guide. Überall dort, wo Sie Ihr Ziel und was Ihr braucht - von einzelnen Transfers zum und vom großen Flughcfen, Bahnhöfen und Seehcfen der ganzen Halbinsel für den Tourismus, Business, Business-Darstellung, Feiern und Konferenzen - bietet ein Auto mit Fahrer für Überweisungen in Komfort, Eleganz und Privatsphcre. Pompeji Easy Car bietet Kunden eine professionelle, freundliche immer mit Diskretion, Aufmerksamkeit, Sicherheit und Pünktlichkeit. Sie können ein Auto, Kleinbus bis zu 8 Personen mieten und Dienstleistungen können wir für jeden Bedarf arrangieren. Sie können auf Wunsch auch Tour mit Fremdenführer organisieren.

Details about Pompei Easy Car
Frequently Asked Questions about Natale Iorio
Natale Iorio currently works for Pompei Easy Car.
Natale Iorio's role at Pompei Easy Car is amministratore.
Natale Iorio's email address is *** To view Natale Iorio's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Natale Iorio works in the Transportation/trucking/railroad industry.
Natale Iorio's colleagues at Pompei Easy Car are and others.
Natale Iorio's phone number is
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