Natalia Clarke

Quality Assurance/Control Technician at Kongsberg Automotive North America - Novi, MI, US

Natalia Clarke's Contact Details
Greater Hartford
Kongsberg Automotive North America
Natalia Clarke's Company Details
Kongsberg Automotive North America logo, Kongsberg Automotive North America contact details

Kongsberg Automotive North America

Novi, MI, US • >10000 Employees

Kongsberg Automotive provides world class products to the global vehicle industry. Our products enhance the driving experience, making it safer, more comfortable and sustainable.We are PASSIONATE, ACCOUNTABLE, PREPARED

Details about Kongsberg Automotive North America
Frequently Asked Questions about Natalia Clarke
Natalia Clarke currently works for Kongsberg Automotive North America.
Natalia Clarke's role at Kongsberg Automotive North America is Quality Assurance/Control Technician.
Natalia Clarke's email address is *** To view Natalia Clarke's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Natalia Clarke works in the Automotive industry.
Natalia Clarke's colleagues at Kongsberg Automotive North America are Rich Manegre, Nicholas DeSouza, Alex Kubacki, Nancy Mulholland, Brian Dunt, William Robertson, Christine Swanson and others.
Natalia Clarke's phone number is 248-468-1300
See more information about Natalia Clarke