The Agency for Innovation and technology Transfer implements the policies in the field of innovation defined by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and supervises the activity of the Scientific and Technological Parks „Academica", „InAgro", and the Innovation Incubator "Inovatorul" which represent the main components of innovation infrastructure. The Agency has administered and monitored about 120 technology transfer projects with budget financing and business co-financing. In 2010, AITT has become member of InfoDev network which represent a partnership of international development agencies, coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat housed in the Global ICT Department (GICT) of the World Bank, one of its key donors and founders. InfoDev creates partnerships with public and private-sector organizations that are leaders in the field of technology, innovation and information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D). As a result of association to the network, AITT will benefit from grants for capacity building and incubator development.AITT is a member of Enterprise Europe Network, the instrument of European Commission which gives access the network databases, small grants, networking activities, partner search services, brokerage events, mobility schemes for SMEs.