Since 1942—when a forward-thinking group of parents founded Langley to create a more meaningful, effective education for their children—we have never wavered in our profound appreciation for the thrilling, delightful, irreplaceable childhood years. To us, childhood is not just a stage to pass through, but a crucial period of steep, complex, and joyful learning. That's why Langley culminates at eighth grade, not 12th—to intentionally shape your child's daily discoveries, age-appropriate challenges, and delightful celebrations that can slip by when high school students are a major focus.At Langley, we carefully tend to your child's social and emotional growth, not just to supplement intellectual achievement, but to ensure it. We encourage you to explore our website so you can gain a truer sense of our committed community and our dynamic academic program. Schedule a tour today to see our exceptionally cooperative, supportive, and encouraging school community. Explore how our intentionally designed, individually attuned academic program reinforce and fuel each other—proving both to be equally essential. The early years form the core of who your child becomes as a learner, thinker, citizen, and human being. So our entire community commits to living our preschool through eighth grade learning philosophy, today and every day.