Woolly Threads™ is an apparel company based in Baton Rouge, La., that sells a unique pullover known as the Woolly™. This small business is the brainchild of Mason Dupré and Natalie John, who was inspired by a fabric she found while travelling. Mason and Natalie researched this material to create the Woolly™, which is made unique by its reverse-loop™ material and comfortable styling.In launching Woolly Threads™, Mason and Natalie started with a group they knew— sororities at LSU—and marketed directly to them, touring chapter meetings to present the product in person. Less than a year later, Woolly Threads™ had already outgrown its first two locations: Mason's apartment and its first warehouse. Woollies™ are found on more than 170 college campuses, and with a new line of collegiate licenses, this number continues to grow.The only thing better than the Woolly Threads™ story is the Woolly™ itself. Woollies™ feature quality, made-in-America construction for vintage comfort and effortless style. These details make the Woolly™ both casual and stylish—perfect to wear to a football tailgate, stash in your bag for a weekend getaway or throw on after a workout.